Humanity is experiencing unparalleled self-inflicted suffering for a lack of education. People are not physically, mentally and financially broke because they want to be. They are that way because they haven’t been taught a better way.
Read More#53 There are tens of thousands more people in online training than ever before. Still the opportunity is wide open because 99% of coaches are missing the key pieces discussed in today’s podcast.
Read More#51 Keegan shares the plan and the number to have 1,000,000 members of RealMVMT coaches as well as thoughts on courage and conformity in these interesting times. Lastly he covers muscle club and why body composition matters! DM @keeganreal to get more information about RealMVMT Mentorship or Muscle Club.
Read More#50 When was the last time you expressed your opinion clearly in actions?I'm not interested in protesting the current situation.I will continue to do what makes the most sense to me in helping the world through this time.Join me in living on purpose however makes sense to you!Strength & Sovereignty!
Read More#49 What if the secret to getting more was in in giving the best of what you had and giving was the ultimate act of self serving. Conversely the least selfish thing you can do is keep all your knowledge to yourself because you will get no reward therefore don't serve yourself at all!
Read More#48 Sometimes it's ok to drop your habits and sprint.You might want to come back from them. Consider this perspective and where you're at right now with your own business.
Read More#34 Imagine all the people lifting life in peace...
So if someone asks where should they train and there isn't a coach nearby that I've educated or know closely I'll recommend CrossFit. I don't train CrossFit and have only done a dozen or so sessions at boxes but what else is there?
Read More#33 What's the next step for RealMOVEMENT? This episode speaks about the current context that we live and where the gaps are between the cultural shift and the community action and real change.
Read More#32 The reality is life goes in waves. Some people have bigger waves than others but we all have to deal with them.
Read More#31 Blink - snap judgements matter.
Yes there is a place for compassion for those lacking muscle, with excessive fat, bad skin etc.
No acceptance is not the same as compassion.
Read More#30 Why calories matter but are not equal.
Protein leverage - Ted Naiman
Leucine threshold.
Insulin curve - Kraft
What is the role of carbs then?
Read More#29 Today's average is obese, medicated and physically de-capacitated if not virtually decapitated. There are millions of us looking to escape the odds and create another solution for ourselves, our families for the economy and for future generations.
Read MoreDom is one of the few guys in the Carnivore Diet community who's looking deep into the details of what it takes to optimise human performance, reproductive capacity and healing.
Read More#27 Should we be getting more mobile or stronger?
Is a mobilty fetish healthy?
What role did mobility play in human evolution?
What role does strength play in human progress?
How does the mind change in response to increase or loss of the above?
Read More#26 Addiction to actions that take us to places we don't want to go is at the heart of the modern crisis in living.
Read More#24 This podcast talks about Earl Nightingale, Bob Proctor, Clint Greenshields, Blake Morison, Patrick Lane, Geoff Goddard (Lord of the rig podcast with PJ Lane), Nathan Gould & Brooke Richardson (Brisbane Strength), Tony Robbins, Emerson... Dean Graziosi.
Read More#23 What the farm really means to me and my dreams.
My deepest podcast yet discussing the challenges of unexpected success and the compounding power of little wins and little losses.
Read More#22 How should we be investing our lives?
What jobs are we doing and which jobs are actually healing and solving the challenges of our time?
What does it take to really make an impact vs being a social media success?
Read More#20 Too many people aren't living the life they want because they're worried about what the neighbor thinks. In this podcast, I talk through how to use the theories of behavioural psychology to overcome those limits.
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