Why Can't CrossFit Athletes Front Lever?

Where are the front levers, back levers, planches, 1 arm-chin-ups, free-standing handstand push-ups? Strict muscle-ups, V-sits, skin-the cat and ring handstand balancing?

Where are the splits and back bridges, not to mention the Iron-Cross and Maltese which are within reach, but unchallenged for the world best strength and conditioning athletes.

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Arthur Saxon and CrossFit - 5 Lessons from one of the strongest men in history

Learning from the founding fathers of strength training, who operated in a time where there were no steroids to facilitate huge gains, is key to the way I look at strength and movement development. Arthur Saxon is one of the most well known strongmen from 100 years ago and he left a massive performance legacy that I believe no man alive today can equal.

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