#47 Farm Gym may well be the most important project in the world today. Listen in to understand why and what the process will be for that going viral!
Read More#46 When you find your tribe and help it grow life gets better. If there is one thing to commit to at the moment that would be it. This podcast is a practical guide to the why and how of tribes.
Read More#45 Strategies for health and wealth in the current environment.
Read More#44 What are the experts saying about the current economy and future. What can you do for yourself and for others in this uncertain time?
Read More#43 Everyday is a great day to improve! Everyday is a great day to ask questions! What is really happening at the moment? What will be the fallout economically?
Read More#42 What does it take to help the best athletes get better. Thoughts on communication, diet, targets, low hanging fruit, styles of leadership and more!
Read More#41 Don't get a job. Create opportunity for yourself. Be of more service. Avoid education in cultures that don't align with your own values. Choose the life you want. Don't settle. The opportunities are clear with RealMVMT. Try it. Very low risk. For many the return is infinite. Share it if you like it. Review the podcast.Send me your thoughts.
Read More#40 What will it take to heal ourselves? What are the best methods of our time? Leading ourselves and others to greatness. How do we practice greatness? What’s next for RealMVMT community. Join us. Choose your polarity. Shine light into the lives of others.
Read More#39 Evaluating Your Patheveryone wants the big goals but the challenge of checking in with them regularly is real! What will it take for you to live your dreams? This podcast is at the heart of it! New bests on bench, strict press, dips, deficit handstand push-ups and weighted muscle ups say something is working!Hit me on insta about your process!
Read More#38 What will gyms look like in 2025, 2030... here are my thoughts.Here are my strategies from the customer and gym owner perspective to lead the market and change the world.I'm not going to do this alone but this is going to happen!
Read MoreWhat are we meant to eat?
Why are guy symptoms so common?
What anatomical differences to we have from the primates?
What % Of plants can we eat?
What role if any can carbohydrates play?
The future of performance is in having both a broader and more specific skill set. While to university graduates and certificate holders in fitness it looks like a flooded market, to gyms and teams the lack of quality coaches available is clear. Go very deep into the sport you love and build a bigger foundation of general knowledge for upgrading humans.
Read More#35 4-days of skills and exploring what it’s going to take to change the way the world does performance for better.
So many great moments and huge progress across the group!
We're on a powerful journey together.
The other part of this podcast is a bit darker and more controversial.
My first hospital experience with the kids was intense. I share some reflections on bowing to medical authority versus being a participant in discussion.
Read More#34 Imagine all the people lifting life in peace...
So if someone asks where should they train and there isn't a coach nearby that I've educated or know closely I'll recommend CrossFit. I don't train CrossFit and have only done a dozen or so sessions at boxes but what else is there?
Read More#33 What's the next step for RealMOVEMENT? This episode speaks about the current context that we live and where the gaps are between the cultural shift and the community action and real change.
Read More#32 The reality is life goes in waves. Some people have bigger waves than others but we all have to deal with them.
Read More#31 Blink - snap judgements matter.
Yes there is a place for compassion for those lacking muscle, with excessive fat, bad skin etc.
No acceptance is not the same as compassion.
Read More#30 Why calories matter but are not equal.
Protein leverage - Ted Naiman
Leucine threshold.
Insulin curve - Kraft
What is the role of carbs then?
Read More#29 Today's average is obese, medicated and physically de-capacitated if not virtually decapitated. There are millions of us looking to escape the odds and create another solution for ourselves, our families for the economy and for future generations.
Read MoreDom is one of the few guys in the Carnivore Diet community who's looking deep into the details of what it takes to optimise human performance, reproductive capacity and healing.
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