Life with Coach Bruce Podcast #3 | Keegan Smith - How to get World Leading Results for people

  • Travel as a foundation for a great life!

  • Getting started in performance

  • What spending 1/3 of my life out of Australia is part of who I am

  • Olympic dreams

  • Living in the Desert in Australia and the mountains in Mexico

  • Leadership

  • 38min – Nutrition

  • 46min – Are you a canary or a cockroach

“When I meet someone who travel a lot, that gives me a different perspective and it’s a really strong coverground to know that someone else has really gone out there and experience, and travel the world”

“I spend a lot of my life outside of Australia because I think it’s such an important part of self development and self development it’s my highest value, so traveling it’s definitely continue being part of that”

“My goal is to help people to realize the way to decide, the way to make decisions every day, it’s a process and it’s a way to get engaged and make a difference in the world, previous self change involve”

Keegan Smith

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If you’re not on iTunes (the sound quality is better on this version).

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