Episode 3 | Adam Kavanagh - Living Wild

"If a zombie apocalypse were to happen tomorrow, my three slogans for the people would be: FOOD, WATER and SHELTER, which guarantees and is essential for the survival of any human being, and here in Australia we have a huge and varied population of animals to do it."

Adam Kavanagh

From mining to off-grid. Adam has taken on a new life in search of better. He’s learned a tonne of new skills and become known around the world for his outback adventures. I’ve learned a lot from my time with him and always look forward to a visit (as do the kids!).

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This quick visit involved our first duck harvest, family day at the beach with my brother Rohan and his family as well as some good training and a picnic with the kids.

Enjoy then Imagine! What’s the lesson here for you?