ATTENTION: The Third Wave of Generational Wealth is exactly what you’re looking for if you want a unique approach to financial freedom because nothing else has worked for you…
Over the next 6 weeks Money Mentor Paul Counsel will be delivering 6 x Free 1 hour lectures about how he created Generational Wealth.
8 months ago RealMVMT founder Keegan Smith started working with Paul.
He has since more than doubled both his net-worth and his income.
Keegan singles Paul out as one of 4 key mentors who changed his path in life.
A few months into working with Paul, Keegan launched Elite Money Club for 50 RealMVMT members.
The results have been beyond what we could have imagined.
Paul loves the freedom he has won.
He’s a master of sharing his knowledge to create deep, lifelong positive change.
This course is available FREE LIVE and for the 24 hours after each presentation and will then be for sale for $5000 for those wanting to purchase the life-changing series.
Week 1 - A Values Driven Lifestyle.
Discover your highest values and how to create permanent change to the life you want. A fresh look at positive psychology of the selves for wealth.
Week 2 - Your Money Code.
Why athletes and lottery winners go bankrupt and how you got the same money skills. Calculating your true hourly rate and years to freedom.
Week 3 - Becoming A Millionaire.
How Paul did it and what needs to change to do the same. Understanding your money codes and how we’re programmed for a life of debt.
Week 4 - MindFLEX Vs MindSET
The truth about turning a vision into results and the hero’s journey. What Plato and Oscar Wilde can teach us about change.
Week 5 - Financial Freedom… Or… Paying The Creditor
We are the result of dynamic possibilities and definite purpose. Understanding the curse of knowledge. Achieving satisfaction over quiet desperation.
Week 6 - Multiply The Value Of Your Money…
Understand money like never before and take on Paul’s life-changing 30 day challenge to do something about it.
Paul the artist
at 40 Paul was a Dead Flat Broke Artist
Paul Counsel
3 years and 9 months later, Paul was a millionaire.
He’s been teaching people how to buy back their time and Freedom ever since.