Andrew Trudgian
Andy is a dedicated and dynamic coach with the unique skill set and flare of a circus artist.
As a youth circus trainer, he coached some of Australia's most promising young circus performers and then transitioned to focusing on helping adults move with strength, confidence and freedom. With over 10 experience coaching in group settings and personal training he now works online with his business I-Adapt providing world class kettlebell and bodyweight programs.
Andy has also worked extensively with Arts Health Agency helping to pioneer a unique social fitness and circus model with aged care residents, the unemployed and people living with dementia.
He still regularly performs as a circus artist, specializing in partner acrobatics, contact juggling, kettlebell juggling and fire spinning.
Andy says “I chose to do the Dense Strength cert to expand and deepen my knowledge as strength coach and to have a simple, efficient and effective way of programming strength for athletes and the general population.”
Joel Schulte
Joel has recently completed the Range of Strength Certification and chose to take Dense Strength because he was looking for a way to be a better coach, trainer and educator for his students and clients.
From the application and success in his own training he wanted to know more about the deeper concepts behind Dense Strength and learn how to use and apply these methods to achieve a range of goals that athletes and general population clients would approach him with.
Joel says “With the training and education embedded in the Dense Strength Certification, I know I have the knowledge and skills to help these specific populations and am looking forward to the challenges ahead.”
Adam Innes
Adam Innes took the Dense Strength Certification because he wanted a simpler way to program strength for athletes. Minimizing time in the gym with maximum efficiency and results to maximize time on the field. On a personal level, Adam is a full-time S&C and father which takes a lot of his time. Due to time constraints he must be in and out of the gym and find ways to produce max results!
Adam plans to use these methods on his athletes when they return to training as it will allow him to spend more time coaching and less time explaining while also allowing more time to work in other aspects of training.
Damon Macdonald-Kay
Damon is a Strength and Conditioning coach who is passionate about helping parents (specifically dads) be the example their children need to grow into fit, strong, healthy, grounded individuals.
Damon’s two favorite things about dense strength are:
Time Efficiency – The accountability to the clock is so important in lives of his clients. Getting valuable work done in 2x10min blocks of DS is effective and memorable!
Ease of Load or Volume Progression – The ability to reset and start again whenever you need to. Many other programs are quite rigid in their structure, Dense Strength allows the athlete to go by feel with some % guidelines and reset to smaller blocks or revert to more or less reps as a way to self regulate and find more enjoyment in the process.