The Other 3-Days of the Training Split


90% of training programs are 2-4 days a week.

(2 days is generally for beginners or people who are training hard at something else that also has a decent strength component to it)

(NOTE: Strength Training is when you exert strength > if that’s wrestling, climbing, jumping or sprintin, it’s all strength. It may lack slow eccentrics, isometrics. It may lack hypertrophy stimulus but if it’s high force then strength is being trained)

But is it ok to do NOTHING 3-5 days per week?

I don’t think there is a strong case for a day on the lounge.

Maybe there is no case at all for that.



The unanswered question is: what to do on those other days?

Now I’m not going to bore you with the old line about contrast showers and going for walks.

I don’t believe in maintenance days.

I don’t believe in days that we don’t get better.

On days where STRENGTH DEVELOPMENT isn’t the primary focus in RealMVMT, we focus on:

  1. Skills > Handstands, juggling, foot juggling and any other super power you’re working on.

  2. Endurance > Think sleds, beep test intervals, nose breathing ergometers or swimming.

  3. Range > These days are great for gently increasing your tolerance to new positions. It’s a form of strength training so you want to be smart about what happened yesterday and the plan for tomorrow. Some of you will find this dedicated day makes all the difference for RANGE GAINS.

  4. Supplemental Strength > Think forearms, calves, neck, arms and lazy body-parts that just never seem to grow or get sore with the compound lifts you’re doing (consider new variations of the compound lifts too). You may also want to “top-up” the previous days training if you have recovered well. For example, yesterday I did 20 sets of pressing and triceps but only 10 of back and biceps. Today I may do some spider curls and Trap-3 work. Low CNS but valuable to support recovery in the upper body and build structural balance.

Jefferson Curls

Expected results?

If you’ve been working hard in the gym for years you might just find that you gain MORE from these 3 LOW INTENSITY sessions than you do from your 4 “main lifting days”.

When the goal is living your own greatness you choose the rules.

Pursue Your Greatness!

Keegan Smith