
A Human Ability Solution… Why ATG For Coaches?

Human ability is being destroyed by inactivity and inappropriate training.

Most coaches, professional athletes and gym goers have a limited perspective on how the body is designed to work and what strength training can do to enhance it.

We’re here to explore new concepts and methods to build human ability alongside nature’s rules.



This Course Is Not A Box Tick… Pay For Paper Course.

Some coaches collect courses, degrees and qualifications like stamp collectors collect stamps.

If this is you and you’re looking for a piece of paper to validate you or add to your collection, please don’t read on.

If you want to be a world class coach and you’re planning to give your life to that journey…

Read On…

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1. The Coach Levels

The fastest way to credibility is to demonstrate results.

People are sick of being sold and marketed to… they want to see it!

All ATG Coaches will complete the 2 year journey through the training system.

We will also be testing and pre-launching programs for the coach community before they become part of the ATG Online System (If they make it.)

The ATG For Coaches Journey.

To have ultimate confidence and knowledge of the product, you’re going to complete it.

Each program is 12 weeks.

  1. Zero

  2. Dense

  3. Standards

  4. Genetic Potential

  5. Zero 2

  6. Dense 2

  7. Standards

  8. Genetic Potential

From that position you’ll have a strong foundation to lead and experiment.

These programs are generally under 30 minutes which will leave you with plenty of energy to build a business or train your sport.

We’ll use leaderboards and accountability within the community app to create a winning environment where you get more out of yourself and the other coaches.

You’ll document your journey to show with full transparency and honesty the results you get and you’ll be able to see the results others are getting.


2. The Learning

Doing isn’t enough for coaches.

We don’t need to be science nerds speaking to athletes in Latin… that won’t help.

But we do need to be able to put our key concepts into words.

The Learning will change the way you think about strength training. It will help you speak the key concepts and establish a good connection with your clients from the start.

When you and your clients know WHY, the doubting voice quietens and clarity allows previously unreachable performances to be accessible.

You will complete a course for each program:

  1. Zero For Coaches

  2. Dense For Coaches

  3. Standards For Coaches

  4. Genetic Potential For Coaches

  5. Rebuild For Coaches

  6. Rocket Dense For Coaches

  7. Standards For Coaches

  8. Genetic Potential For Coaches

In these courses, we’ll dive deep into why the programs work and understand the impact of each of the movements.

Beyond the program courses you’ll also study:

  1. ATG Coaches Advantage (which includes)

    1. Ben Patrick Live - study and know the most important ATG principles.

    2. Athletic Range Strength - evaluate and program to develop anterior, posterior and lateral chain strength from head to toe.

    3. Programming Strength - learn the other Dense Strength variations as well as different periodisation methods for athletic cycles, commercial gyms and everyday joes.

    4. How To Be Healthy - health is the foundation of performance that must be cultivated to optimise training adaptations. Sleep, light, lifestyle etc.

    5. And more…

  2. ATG Archive - Follow the evolution of ATG since 2018 to now (optional)

These courses will have multiple choice responses as well as the opportunity for you to present what you’re learning in video format.

You’ll also have access to other additional courses for your development that go beyond the basic program to become a world class, well rounded coach.


3. The Submissions

  1. Your story.

  2. Leaderboard scores > Monthly.

  3. Program outcomes > Quarterly.

  4. Learning summaries.

  5. Your standards.

  6. Your clients / athletes standards.

You will progress through the levels by completing the theory courses and showing that you are getting world-class results.

The feedback loop we’re creating here will help to keep you focussed and get better every month!


4. The Mastermind

  1. Weekly calls with Keegan and Ben.

  2. Connect with likeminded coaches on the journey.

  3. Participate in the leaderboards and share your ideas.

The interaction between Keegan and Ben since 2018 has been a key part of the journey.

Mutual respect and transfer of belief change self-image and influence decisions.

We want you to have this same mastermind and positive feedback loop.

The mastermind makes your training, your posts and your journey matter.

When you matter, you do more and you do it better!


5. The Result

Our ambition is to make the most comprehensive course that focuses on the simplest understanding of human ability and how to enhance it.

It’s not a short journey.

Nothing great ever is.

We want to work with you for the next 10 years.

If you’re in demand and getting better and better results, you’ll want to stay connected.

We’ve deliberately made the course a fraction of what it’s worth so all the risk is on us.

If you’re winning you will go from where you are now to a world-class, in demand coach.


The Level 1 ATG Coach qualification is enough to make a huge impact on the world.

Most people have some pain or dysfunction in their body that can improve with ATG methods.

Elite, beginner and those yet to start coaching can do this program, everyone can learn something in this course.

It takes 2 years but elite coaches can apply to be fast-tracked (see below)

It costs $2400 which can be paid over 2 years as $100 / month or faster for coaches applying to be fast-tracked.

The ongoing commitment for endorsed coaches is to complete the weekly quiz and one hour of learning as well as to submit quarterly performance data. It is $50 / month to stay on the ATG Active Endorsed Coaches Roster.

You have access to programming and live weekly education every week.

Events for coaches will be held regularly around the world.

Get ATG Endorsed By Completing:

  1. Levels videos, coaching the same number of people to the level you are claiming. Eg. to be a level 4 coach, you must coach 4 people to the level 4 standard.

  2. Courses and exams for each of the programs… Zero, Dense, Standards etc.

  3. All 8 programs in sequence documenting your progress and tracking your numbers.

  4. Your initial ATG investment ($2400 USD as a one off or cumulatively)

*Apply to get ATG Fast-Track Endorsed By:

  1. Submitting your levels score videos or having your elite results personally verified by Ben or Keegan.

  2. Making a 10-20 minute presentation about ATG and your experience demonstrating your knowledge and passion for the system.

    (Present it Live To Keegan and other coaches)

  3. Passing an interview with Keegan or Ben about your ATG knowledge.

  4. Making your initial ATG investment ($2400 USD as a one off or cumulatively)

Stay ATG Endorsed By:

  1. Completing 1 hour of weekly ongoing education with the quiz.

  2. Submitting monthly strength scores.

  3. Continuing financial commitment ($50 / month).

Note: ATG Online is hiring coaches rapidly. ATG Online Staff receive free tuition.

Contact Keegan if you would like to be endorsed to join ATG Staff.

What next…

From Day 1 you’re going to have access to all the programs and learning to create a new future in coaching.

You’re going to train hard.

Improve your knowledge starting with “ATG Coaches Advantage” and “Zero For Coaches.”

You’ll meet some of the best established and up and coming athletic coaches in the world in the ATG Community…

Click the link and get connected for just $100!