There are many things that set ATG apart…

  1. It’s based on real-world outcomes not legacy data.

  2. It builds on the work of Charles Poliquin including solving Charles’ one regret about the system he created.

  3. It’s not designed or influenced by any of the competitive strength sports like CrossFit, Gymnastics, Powerlifting, Bodybuilding but it uses principles from each of these.

  4. It’s the first quantified proven human system of strength development.

  5. It started at the top… elite athletes love this method of training. Athletes want to be coached in person on the movements. Ben is not going to be the one to do that.

  6. The system scales to people of any age and ability. Anyone who can start can progress. Everyone can start ATG.

  7. Despite being the most successful strength system in history in terms of knee testimonials it’s still being upgraded and refined. The best is still to come.

  8. It makes athletes more explosive and more tolerant to their sports with the lowest possible risk of injury.

  9. Most sessions take less than 30 minutes to compliment court, field or gym sports.

  10. Because you feel it in your bones, ligaments, tendons and muscles those who experience it know the truth compared to traditional approaches.

ATG coaches…

  1. The first system to publish coaches performances

  2. The first system to require 2 years of consistent training, completing each of the programs in full and documenting the results.

  3. The first global system of education that athletes will search for and trust.

  4. Participate in leaderboards with other coaches around the world.

  5. Understand the science behind why ATG gets results that tradition strength training can’t.

  6. Get exclusive weekly access to content from Ben Patrick specifically for elite coaches.

  7. Get published inside the ATG app to help local members